
What is TOSCA?
TOSCA is a software testing tool created by Tricentis that automates end-to-end functional testing for web, desktop, mobile, and API applications. It’s tailored for Agile and DevOps practices and supports testing on various platforms, including Java. TOSCA also refers to the “Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications,” which is an open standard for outlining the structure, behavior, and lifecycle management of cloud applications. This standardization aids in defining and managing components and their relationships within complex software systems, particularly in cloud environments.

Benefits TOSCA:-

  • Script less automation
  • Suitable for large scale operations
  • Test management
  • Mass updates
  • Reusability of assets
  • Quality Vendor Support
  • Easy to use Interface
  • Model-based automation

Why Choose Ignitesofttech?

  • Real-Time Training from Experienced Professionals
  • Daily Recorded Sessions
  • Ongoing Technical Support After Course Completion
  • Hands-On Project Implementation
  • 100% Real-World Projects and Use Cases
  • Curriculum Reflecting the Latest Industry Trends

Course Curriculum

What is Software Testing?
Types of Testing
What is Manual Testing?
What is Automation Testing? D
ifference Between Manual and Automation Testing?
Software Testing Life Cycle

What is Tricentis Tosca?
Introduction to Tosca
Benefits of Tosca Commanders
What type of Tool is Tosca?
What is Model based testing Technique?
Creation of new projects in Tosca
Components of Tosca
Section and components in Tosca
Settings and options in Tosca
How to download and install Tosca
Tosca Tool Overview

Tosca Commander
Tosca Executor
Tosca Xscan
Tosca Repository

Requirement Section
Test Planning Section
Modules Section
Testcases Section
TestCaseDesign (TCD) Section
Execution Section
Issues Section
Configuration Section

Best Practices of Tosca
Install Tosca Commander
Types of License in Tosca Commander

Info Option
About Tosca
Close Option

What is Single User Repository?
How to create Single User Repository?
What is Multi User Repository?
How to create Multi User Repository?
What is Create slim workspace
Uses of Create Slim workspace

How to handle Home, Ribbion and Record and Play
Checkout, Checkout Tree, Check in all and Update all

Requirements and requirements sets.
Requirement weight
How to calculate Requirement Weight?
Formula to calculate Weights
Requirement frequency and damage class
Requirements- Key points

Introduction to Test Planning in Tosca
How to create a proper Test plan for project
How to create session Participants in Tosca?
How to create Tasks in Test planning section
Real time project Test Plan creation in Tosca

Introduction to Test Planning in Tosca
What is Single User Repositories
What is Multi User Repositories
How to create Single User Repositories
How to create Multi User Repositories

Introduction to Test Planning in Tosca
What is Folder Structure in Tosca
How to create folder Structure in Modules.
How to create folder Structure in Testcases.
How to create Sub folder Structure in Testcases.
Real Time project Folder Structure.

Close All browsers Clear all Browser Cache
Open Browser in Incognito Mode
Cross Browser Testing in Tosca

What is Action Modes in Tosca
Uses of Action Modes in Tosca
How to add Action Modes in Tosca
Types of Action Modes
What is Action Mode Buffer
What is Action Mode Constraint
What is Action Mode Waiton
What is Action Mode Select
What is Action Mode Insert

What are Modules in Tosca?
Types of Modules in Tosca
What are Standard Modules in Tosca?
What are XScan Modules in Tosca?
Tbox modules
Scan options
Identifiers in Tosca
Modules Folder Structure
Rescan Modules
Unmapped controls in Tosca
Duplicate Modules
Merge Modules in Tosca

What are Modules in Tosca?
Identify by Properties
Identify by Anchor
Identify by InDeX
Identify by Image
Identify by Parent Control

What is Testcase section
How to create testcases in Tosca?
Folder structure of testcase
TCP (Test Configuration Parameter)
How to create TCP
How to declare TCP
Syntex for TCP
Real time Testcase creation in Tosca

What is Buffer?
Type of Buffers in Tosca
Static Buffer in Tosca
Dynamic Buffer in Tosca
Buffer Operation in Tosca

What is Tbox Take screenshot
What is DokuSnapper
How to store Screenshots
How to retrieve the path and change the screenshots path .
Storing the Screenshots in Word
Analysing the Screenshots in Word Uses of DokuSnapper in Real Time scenario

What is Error Handling in Tosca
How to handle Errors in Tosca
Types of Failure in Tosca
Verification Failure
Dialog Failure
User Abort Failure in Tosca
What is On verification Failure.
How to handle On verification Failure at testcases & Project Level

What is Waits in Tosca
Static wait
Dynamic Wait

What is Buffer
What is Static Buffer
What is Dynamic Buffer
What is Partial,Name,set ,Delete buffer in Tosca

What is Browser Popup’s
How to handle Browser Popup’s
How to handle Chrome popup’s
How to handle Edge popup’s
How to handle FireFox popup’s
How we will Handle popup’s with Conditions

Facilis fugiat hic ipsam iusto laudantium libero maiores minima molestiae mollitia repellat rerum sunt ullam voluptates? Perferendis, suscipit.

How to Automate Drag and Drop Scenario
How to handle Single values Drag and Drop
How to handle Multiple values Drag and Drop

How to Handle a Dropdown
How to Handle Short Dropdown
How to Handle Long Dropdown Method-1
How to Handle Long Dropdown Method-2
How to Get ResultCount of Dropdown

Minimize & Maximize browsers Scrolling behavior
Save As
Copy to Clipboard

Tbox Start Program

What is Random Number How to create Random Number(RND)
Random Decimal
Random Text

What is Regular Expression
How to generate Random number with specific
digits or characters
Maximum Random Number with Regular Expression
Extract the name, value and number using Regular Expression
Split the Text using Regular Expression
What is Generic Folder

String to Lower String to Upper Trim StringLength String Replace
Number of Occurrences
String Replace

Facilis fugiat hic ipsam iusto laudantium libero maiores minima molestiae mollitia repellat rerum sunt ullam voluptates? Perferendis, suscipit.

Adding two numbers using Calc() Function
PODAMS Rule in Calc()
Adding value to buffer in Calc()
Adding Two buffers using Calc()
Adding Three buffers using Calc()
Calculate Length using Calc()
Trim using Calc()
Upper and Trim using Calc()

Adding two numbers using Math() Function
PODAMS Rule in Math()
Adding value to buffer in Math()
Adding Two buffers using Math()
Adding Three buffers using Math()
Power using Math()
Max using Math()
Min using Math()
Square, Abs, Truncate, Ceiling, Floor

Passing values using SendKeys Sending Values in Input Values Sendkeys with CP(Configuration Parameter) TextInput usage Copy, Cut, Paste the Value using Tbox SendKeys BackSpace Uses of SendKeys Close Browser using SendKeys

What is Reusable Test Step Block(RTB)
What is Library in Tosca
Uses of RTB and Libraries
What is Business Parameter
Uses of Business Parameters
Syntax of BP(Business Parameter)

If Conditions in Tosca
While Loop
Do Loop in Tosca

What is Repetitions in Tosca
Uses of Repetitions
How to set Maximum Repetitions
Repetitions at Folder and test step Level

How to Handle Web Tables
How to steer the values for Web Tables
Scanning the Web Tables
Row Count
Column Count
Result Count
Storing and Verifying web tables data
Real Time Tables steering Examples

What is Recovery Scenario
How to add Recovery Scenario
Uses of Recovery Scenario
Drag and Drop testcases or Folders in Recovery Scenario
How to take screenshot of Recovery
Recovery Scenario declaration
Global Settings
Where we need to declare Recovery Scenario
Where exactly recovery and Cleanup Scenario Works either Execution List or Testcases

What is Execution List Section
How to drag the Testcases into Execution List
How to run multiple testcases in Execution List
How to generate Reports
Difference b/w Scratch book and Execution List
How to create Execution Folder, Execution List and
run the testcases

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